Is it taking your company too long to fill open positions?

The Challenge In Recruiting

Time is money, and your unfilled positions are no exception to the rule. An increased time to hire has far-reaching effects throughout your organization. While positions remain vacant, work piles up, revenue is lost, and other employees become overworked and more likely to leave your company, which only compounds the problem.

A prolonged hiring process also provides a very negative candidate experience. As you pipeline more candidates, the process becomes dragged out, and you tend to lose the interest of the quality candidates. Top candidates don’t stay on the market long, and the last thing you want is your ideal candidate being snapped up by your competitors.

Clearly time to hire is important. Many TA leaders may even have compensation and bonuses tied to that metric. So how can you speed up your time to hire without sacrificing on quality?

The RecruitiFi Solution

RecruitiFi takes those nagging jobs that might sit open and puts a professional network on them. As a Smart VMS, RecruitiFi uses data to get your job in front of the right recruiting agencies as quickly as possible. In addition to the agencies you’ve worked with for years, we’re adding our top Community agencies who have scored highly on similar roles in your industry and locations. These agencies bring a unique set of resources and tap into new pools of talent that your internal team and contracted agencies might not have access to.

The result is a quick swath of qualified and interested candidates in a matter of days instead of weeks or months.

Our communication tools also allow you to shorten your feedback cycles with hiring managers and agencies, compressing the hiring process. On average, we compress about a week out of our client’s hiring cycles.

If time is money, then RecruitiFi is your cash machine!
Reduce Your Agency Spend?

Related Case Studies

After searching for a CTO for 6 months, Kidaptive, a Silicon Valley tech company found their hire on RecruitiFi in just 3 days.