Are you running around approving bills, payments, and dealing with refunds when a candidate leaves?

The Challenge In Recruiting

Getting billed for a placement can be more difficult than finding the right candidate! You receive a bill from one of your recruiting agencies—some by mail, some by email—all with different payment terms. Then you or a colleague figure out which job requisition this is for, which department’s budget is accountable, and track down the right purchase order number before sending it off to your accounts payable department. Meanwhile, you’re constantly dealing with pesky agencies that are always calling you to collect payment.

As if paying the bill wasn’t a big enough hassle, trying to get refunded if a candidate leaves before they’ve met their guarantee period is even worse!

The RecruitiFi Solution

RecruitiFi consolidates all billing, payments, and refunds into a single platform. No need to worry about invoices and collection calls from a dozen agencies. All invoices are sent electronically, and allow you to place the proper information on them prior to approving them and sending them to your accounts payable. Refunds are likewise handles through the system, and requests can be made with the click of a button.

All payments and refunds are tracked in an easy-to-read monthly statement. Save time, effort, eliminate hassle, and never lose track of your agency recruiting spend again. Isn’t technology wonderful?
Reduce Your Agency Spend?

Related Case Studies

Meridith Baer Homes came to RecruitiFi to provide structure to their hiring process despite not having a TA department.