Does your team get hassled by recruiting agencies soliciting your business?

The Challenge In Recruiting

You and your colleagues in Talent Acquisition get solicited by recruiting agencies every day. You face a constant barrage of phone calls and emails from agencies claiming to have the perfect candidates for your organization. You don’t want to be rude, because some of these agencies might actually have very talented recruiters, but there’s no way to know. Good or bad, they all sound the same on a sales call, and you have neither the time, nor the necessary information to properly vet them or recommend them to your procurement department.

Meanwhile, hiring managers throughout your organization are getting the same solicitations. How often do hiring managers go around Talent Acquisition and directly hire recruiting agencies to source candidates for roles that you’re already working on? Oftentimes, the TA department has no control over who in the organization is hiring and paying agencies. All of the agencies are signed on with different contracts, rates, guarantee periods, and none of these contracts have been reviewed by your legal or procurement teams.

Ultimately, it’s an extremely time-consuming and costly problem that monopolizes hundreds of hours that your TA team could be using to find great candidates. Not to mention that rogue agency hiring prevents TA leadership from getting true visibility into valuable metrics like overall agency spend and cost of hire, it wastes everyone’s time while your internal team double-sources for roles that have already been released to third parties, and it leaves your organization liable to double fees or legal issues due to conflicting contracts.

The RecruitiFi Solution

RecruitiFi gives you a link on your career page, as well as a tool within the platform that directs all soliciting agencies to an application page. That alone will save your organization massive amounts of time.  Plus, we take great pride in thoroughly vetting and evaluating each agency based on the strength of their application, the reputation of their agency, and their experience in the industry. Only the best recruiters are accepted and will be matched with your JobCasts.

As the recruiters submit to your jobs, candidates score them qualitatively based on their knowledge of the job and professionalism. As your TA team advances or rejects their candidates, the agencies are also being scored quantitatively. Highly scored agencies receive more of your JobCasts, while those with lower performance stop seeing your hiring opportunities altogether.

If hiring managers want to work with an agency--no problem. They can send them to the RecruitiFi application page as well. If the agencies are accepted, they work on the universal RecruitiFi contract as our sub-vendors, meaning there are no conflicting terms or potential legal liabilities, as everyone is on the same contract that has already been reviewed and approved by your legal department. Plus, you’ll be able to track and control the hiring process in Talent Acquisition, rather than having candidates come from every direction.

With RecruitiFi’s agency solicitation management, you eliminate the hassle of dealing with hundreds of cold calls and emails, while ringfencing the entire hiring process into your TA department where it’s trackable and measurable. In the process you’ll get some great candidates from qualified agencies that you wouldn’t have been able to work with otherwise. It’s a win, win, win situation!
Reduce Your Agency Spend?

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